
Bachelor in Architecture at FAUUSP, and with a specialisation in Branding at FGV, Valéria Midena has been taken part in highly complex projects teams in areas as corporate visual identity, packaging and product design, mainly working for large companies and corporations. These experiences have allowed her to get involved with the entire design process – from strategy to communication, from concept to production.

Throughout her professional career, she has deepened structured a project methodology that understands Brand as culture: a unique way of being, thinking and acting, to put itself in the world and to relate to people – be an organization, a product or a service Brand.

After working in agencies about ten years, and running her own studio, GattoNero, for another decade, Valéria now works as an independent professional, and as a consultant for design and communication companies in projects related to strategy, construction and Brand culture.

Passionate about Beauty in its aesthetic and ethical dimensions, and with knowledge of music, visual and decorative arts, fashion, philosophy and literature, she is also a writer – author and editor at the platform SobreTodasAsCoisas, and author of ‘Flores Invisíveis‘, a novel published by Laranja Original in 2022.